Monday, December 01, 2003

Exclusives, DEC 03

HOW THE INTERNET CHANGED KOREA... ...and how internet publications will change the world.
Featuring an exclusive interview with Samuel Minje Cho, VP of a national daily South Korean newspaper
By JENNIFER CHANG, Editor-In-Chief

“Young supporters of No Mu-hyon flooded the internet with e-mails and saturated text messaging services with calls to get out the vote for No Mu-hyon……From what my wife had heard, candidate Yi Hoe-ch'ang was leading until about 3 pm on 19 December. The polls closed at 6 pm. If that's correct, there was about three hours for the No Mu-hyon supporters to rally and turn the vote around.”

Reviews, DEC 03

BOOK REVIEW - "Pillars of Salt"
A gripping tale of woe, love, lust, and insanity, set in the backdrop of an Arab world.

“… I will recount to you an horrific story…unfold the multi-layered secrets of both past and present,” and this is exactly what Fadia Faqir does in her fiction novel, Pillars of Salt. The first chapter begins from the point of view of the ‘best story-teller in Arabia’ yet it is actually a story about two women who are committed to an insane asylum in Jordan and why they were sent there.

Fadia Faqir’s novel is a heart wrenching tale about two women stripped of their humanity based solely on the fact that they were born female and stood in the way of something that a male in their lives wanted.

Features, DEC 03

TRAVELOGUE - Esfahan (in Iran)
Things you MUST do if you ever travel to Esfahan, Iran
Dean Gransar - Staff Writer

Naqsh-e-Jahan Square:This square, meaning "pattern of the world", is an open field surrounded by structures all around where the king would receive guests and perhaps watch a game of polo. To get a good feel of it, rent a cart and take it around the square. The small shops making handicrafts and the structures (Imam mosque, Aliqapu, Sheikh-Lotfollah mosque and the old bazaar) are really all pieces of art.

The vaulted ceilings, exquisite tile-works and mosaics work with space and light creating a mood that must be experienced to be understood. When you look at the vaults, the pattern revolves around the center (representing God) and everything else (the universe) surrounding it. Astronomically many of these structures correspond to each other and were well thought out. This perfection is typical of structures built in the Islamic era.